To achieve a more attractive abdomen overall, there are various aesthetic elements that a good plastic surgeon should consider. The ideal abdomen might exhibit features like the following:
- Tight skin
- Flat abdomen with good muscle tone
- Navel without upper hooding
- Absence of stretch marks and scars
- Contours/depressions that indicate scarcity of fatty tissue
- Youthful mons pubis, i.e. lower abdomen
A good tummy tuck surgeon will accomplish as many of these objectives as possible. In some cases, results characteristic of these elements cannot realistically be obtained. Proper patient selection then becomes the key to providing excellent results.
Those who can benefit from a tummy tuck will meet conditions such as those listed below:
- Protruding, excess tissue on the abdomen and midsection
- Realistic expectations and acceptance of surgery risks
- Not expecting a future pregnancy
- Non-smoker, stable weight, and in general good health
Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty
Liposuction is often used to aid in the procedure and contour the treated areas. The first incision is made on the central lower abdomen and another is made around the navel. Muscles on the abdominal wall are repaired with braided sutures, excess skin and tissue is lifted or removed, and the incisions are closed with non-dissolvable sutures.
Like many of the surgeries we perform, general anesthesia is the most common choice, while local anesthesia with IV sedation may be an option. In some cases, a muscle relaxer is used to aid in the repair of abdominal muscle separation (diastasis).
Incision / Scar Locations
The tummy tuck scar position and curve of the scar are variable and often depend on the surgeon’s preference. It is possible to design the location and curve of the scar according to the bikini bottom or underwear style the patient prefers. Even for those who do not wear a bikini, being able to completely cover the scar is appreciated. The outline of the panty design is marked before surgery and the incision is performed so the scar resides within this outline.
Before and After Photos
Visit our before and after gallery for pictures and examples of New York plastic surgeon Dr. Tracy Pfeifer’s tummy tuck cases.
After Tummy Tuck Surgery
Gauze dressing is applied and special drains are put in place immediately after surgery. Patients are encourage to walk and move within 24 hours of surgery, during which time pain medications are used to manage discomfort.