Dr. Tracy Pfeifer
Tracy M. Pfeifer, MD, MS is a fellowship trained, double board certified plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic surgery.
Dr. Tracy Pfeifer, MD has nearly two decades of experience performing breast implant surgeries for women in New York City. The doctor and her medical team are committed to educating their patients, providing personalized state-of-the-art care, and creating a pleasant patient experience in a comfortable, understated environment.
Dr. Pfeifer uses several different types of implants in her breast augmentation surgical procedures. When you come to our office for a consultation, she will carefully evaluate your body type and the incision and implant placement methods that will best suit your needs. Each type of implant has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Saline Breast Implants
Even with the latest scientific innovations, saline implants are still among the most commonly used type of implant because of the key advantages they offer.
Pros of saline implants include:
- Less expensive than silicone implants
- Filled with sterile saline solution, similar to fluid in the human body
- Can be filled during surgery, allowing for smaller incisions
- Provide flexible volume, adjustable during surgery
- Slightly firmer feel than silicone implants
- Deflate and make ruptures easy to detect (no need for MRI)
There are some disadvantages when using this type of implant:
- Are harder than silicone implants
- Weigh more than silicone implants
- Present a higher risk of visible rippling

Silicone Breast Implants
The popularity of silicone implants has been growing since they were re-introduced to the market in 2006. The latest products from Mentor and Natrelle maintain their integrity, inhibit silicone leakage, and are far superior to silicone breast impact products used in the past.
Advantages include:
- Filled with silicone gel – a molasses-like substance similar to real breast tissue
- Natural consistency and appearance
- Lighter than saline implants
- No tendency to visible rippling
Silicone implant disadvantages include:
- Longer incisions required because of non-adjustable volume
- More expensive than saline implants
- Not available to patients under 22 years of age, per FDA regulations
- Ruptures difficult to detect (FDA recommends MRI at regular intervals)
Gummy Bear Breast Implants
This new innovation in silicone gel-filled implants is called “Gummy Bear” because of the consistency of the gel. While other silicone implants have a consistency similar to honey, Gummy Bear gel consistency is more like Jell-O. It is more vicious and does not flow within the implant shell, resulting in a stable form and a shell that does not fold. This anatomically shaped implant maintains its shape in all positions.
All silicone gel implants today are called “cohesive,” because they are more cohesive than earlier forms of silicone implants. Currently, however, only Allegran Natrelle™ 410 Silicone Breast Implants and Mentor CPG are truly cohesive, form-stable implants.
Advantages of Gummy Bear implants include:
- Reduced incidence of leakage, according to early studies
- Less capsular contracture (hardening of breast tissue around the implant)
- Less rippling
- Implant maintains its shape and is not deformed by gravity
The medical practice of Tracy Pfeifer, MD specializes in breasts. Dr. Pfeifer is rated 4.82 out of 5 (based on 253 ratings) on Real Patient Ratings. Call our office in Manhattan, or the Hamptons to schedule a consultation. Dr. Pfeifer can advise you on the best type of implant to suit your particular needs.