How Dysport Works
When we frown or smile, the tissue between our eyebrows gathers into a fold. In some of us, this causes chronic furrows and produces a frustrated, discouraged, angry facial appearance.
A tiny dose of Dysport injected into the small facial muscles causes a temporary paralysis, allowing the muscles to relax and wrinkles to flatten out. Because the dose is so small and the injection so precise, only a small area is affected.
If you’re bothered by lines, wrinkles or furrows around your forehead and eyes, Dysport may be a good treatment for you. Treatment with Dysport is surprisingly comfortable and takes 20 minutes or less at our Manhattan or Long Island plastic surgery office.
Results of Dysport: How Long Do They Last?
Within 1 week, you should notice the improvements. They will last approximately 6 months and when you start to see them fading, feel free to come back for another quick treatment.
Side Effects
Possible side effects include numbness, bruising, swelling, a slight burning sensation, muscle weakness or a drooping eyelid.