What is Juvéderm?
Juvéderm is composed of hyaluronic acid, a very important natural component of the skin that gets depleted over time. Hyaluronic acid functions as a space filler and cell protector that provides structure, volume, and hydration. When we lose this important component, the skin begins to lose its youthful contour and wrinkles, folds, creases, and other undesirable imperfections start to appear. A precise injection of Juvéderm can be really effective in correcting such age-related imperfections, so your skin maintains its youthful volume.
Juvéderm has also been used to treat conditions such as these:
- Marionette lines – lines that extend downward from the mouth
- Sunken cheeks – age related loss of facial volume
- Hollowness under the eyes
- Thin lips
How is Treatment Performed?
Using a fine (27 gauge) needle, Dr. Pfeifer injects Juvéderm into the tissue at a specified depth. Anesthetic or nerve blocks can be used to manage discomfort during treatment. In fact, many Juvéderm treatments are actually pain-free. After injection, the area may be massaged to ensure a smooth result. The treated area may feel fuller than normal right after treatment, but this condition should resolve on its own quickly.
How Long Do Juvéderm Results Last?
Although the cosmetic results of Juvéderm treatment will typically last about 6 months, many patients (about 80 percent) can benefit from a follow-up treatment a few weeks later. This will ensure a longer lasting, more satisfying cosmetic improvement.
The likelihood of side effects or complications is relatively low with Juvéderm. However, there are some possible side effects patients should know about. To minimize the risk of side effects, you should follow postoperative instructions carefully. Documented side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, lumps, bruising, itching, and discoloration. A minor amount of bruising is normal after treatment with Juvéderm.
Juvéderm VOLUMA™ XC
VOLUMA™ is a variety of Juvéderm specifically formulated to instantly add volume to all three areas of the cheeks (the apple, apex and hollow), giving a subtle lift. It can be an excellent option to help restore a more youthful contour to sunken or hollowed cheeks, or to enhance your facial profile if you would like to add more definition to your cheeks.
The newest filler option available at our office, VOLUMA™ is the first, and currently the only, hyaluronic acid filler FDA approved for adding volume to the cheeks. Like Juvéderm XC, VOLUMA™ has a mild anesthetic built in to maximize comfort during injection. Typically, patients can go back to normal activity after 24 hours, and the results can last up to 2 years.